What is In Your Laptop Bag? A Few Essentials to Carry Along In Your Bag

It is a good thing to travel light and stay organized, but there are also a few essentials that can make your life easier. In this piece we will tell you about a few things we like to have in our laptop bags.

The things we can’t live without, that makes life a little easier and can easily become part of your routine as well. So here are a few things that permanently reside in a few laptop bags around here, perhaps it will make sense to you as well.

Electronic Accessories

You don’t want to clutter up your bag unnecessarily but there are electronic accessories that are really worth carrying around. One of these is a phone charger, with adaptable ports so you can charge your phone via your laptop or an outlet.

Extra cables

It can be very helpful to have an extra USB cable or two in your bag, there are always things that need connecting. You can also consider the type of needs you have and keep a few different types of cables in your bag, an Ethernet cable could come in handy perhaps.

Some you might never use, but if you constantly get to venues where you can’t connect the things you want to, consider the value of packing your own adapters.

Your laptop charger or a spare battery

Depending on what type of laptop you have you will need to be able to charge it every so often. Some might even work with a spare battery. But there is nothing more annoying that getting a low battery warning and not be able to do anything about it.

A good idea is to get in the habit of always storing your laptop and its power sources, whether it’s a cable or additional battery at the same time in your bag. Also consider keeping a spare battery for your wireless mouse, digital pen or any other accessories that require a battery change every now and again.

A powerbank can also be very useful accessory to keep in your bag at all times. That way you can have that burst of power when you need it for your phone or tablet. Just remember to also keep it charged.

A mouse

This is perhaps one that goes without saying, and you could even go without the mouse if you prefer. But a nice little wireless mouse will make your work just go so much quicker and smoother than using the touchpad. If you keep a basic wireless mouse in your bag at all times you can easily work at your peak no matter where you are.


You can easily fit a pair of headphones or earbuds in your bag. It is a good idea to keep it as a standard item so you can easily skype in noisy areas. It is also of course the universal way of keeping yourself focused when you work in a public area. Plus it is handy to have an extra pair available just in case for other devices.

Analog accessories

Other than the electronics that usually go with your laptop, a few old-school accessories can also help keep things running smoothly.

A notebook and Pens

A notebook and pen are still incredibly useful even in our paperless age. If you are like many professionals, pens seem to go off and live their own lives constantly, so having a backup or two (or five) in your bag can be a life saver.

A nice notebook is also a good way to take notes on the road, write down ideas or organize your thoughts in a meeting. If you are in the creative industries (or just a talented person in a related field) you will know the value of a good place to doodle.  It is nice to have the option to write or draw available at all times.

Business cards

This might seem a little silly, but when you are networking and making connections you don’t want to suddenly rummage in your wallet for lost business card.

If you have an extra supply in your laptop bag at all times you can focus on your business not where your business cards are. It can help put your mind at ease knowing you have a good supply available even when you aren’t planning on giving a presentation.

A laptop lock

It’s no use having a good anti-theft device if you leave it at home. If you have a cable to lock your laptop securely make sure that is a standard component in your bag.

That way, if you are working in an area where you aren’t too sure about the safety of your laptop you have the option of locking it. A little extra weight in exchange for a little peace of mind is not too hard to carry.

Screen cleaner

You won’t need to clean your screen every single day, but dust and spots do accumulate. When it gets to dirty for you to focus it can be very annoying. It is then much easier to reach into your bag and grab a wipe to clean your screen, than searching for a store that sells wipes in an airport or a town you don’t know.


This might not be important to everyone, but if you work long hours or travel frequently a stop for lunch may be difficult to plan. Keeping a small snack in your bag for emergencies (or long meetings) is a nice way to keep your blood sugar levels up and your brain working well.

It could be anything you like, from a packet of trail mix to a gel supplement. A water bottle is also another good addition to keep at your side so you can work on those 8 daily glasses while you travel and work.

Last words

You can keep almost anything in your laptop bag, some people also like to throw in a multi-tool, a first aid-kit, spare keys, cash or an umbrella. Your needs will ultimately determine what lives in the bag and what only visits. Finally you need to include your laptop. None of this will matter if you forget it.

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